The present privacy policy completes the legal notice accessible under the heading “Legal notice” directly on the site

The purpose of this privacy policy is to inform users/customers of the site

On how their personal data is collected;

On the person responsible for processing the data collected and processed;

On the recipients of this personal data;

On the retention period of personal data;

On the rights they have concerning this data;

The rules set out below have been drawn up in accordance with the following legal provisions:

European Regulation 2016/679/EU of April 27, 2016 (RGPD);

Loi informatique et Liberté n° 78-17 du 6/01/1978 relative à l’informatique modifiée par la Loi n°2018-493 du 20/06/2018 relative à la protection des données personnelles;

Law n°2004-575 of 21/06/2004 for confidence in the digital economy.

The present privacy policy is accessible on the website under the heading “Privacy policy and cookie management”, andthe User/Customer must read it and accept it in full and without reservation (in accordance with the terms defined in article 2.2 below).


  • User/Visitor: refers to any individual or legal entity browsing the site
    website and takes note of its content. The user/visitor may be referred to as “YOU” in this policy.
  • Site editor : désigne Marie Ange Mory, Artist, Author in her capacity as site editor,
    as Service Provider and may be referred to as “WE”.
  • Company: Designates Marie Ange Mory, Artist, Author

  • Customer: refers to any user (as defined above) who places an order with
    Marie Ange Mory, Artist, Author
    for the purchase of a product or the provision of a service.
  • Site: refers to the Internet site accessible at the address

  • Services: refers to all services presented and offered by
    Marie Ange Mory, Artist, Author
    on her website
  • Personal data: means any information relating to a natural person who is directly or indirectly identifiable or identified.
  • The parties: refers jointly to the User and
    Marie Ange Mory, Artist, Author.
  • GCS: refers to the general terms and conditions of sale/services to which customers placing orders with Marie Ange Mory are subject.

    Marie Ange Mory, Artist, Author

1. Contact details of the Data Controller ?

The person responsible for processing and protecting your personal data is :

Marie Ange Mory, Artist, Author. La Tour des Floralie, Avenue Aristide Briand, 13620, Carry-le-Rouet

The data controller undertakes to implement all necessary technical measures to guarantee the security and confidentiality of the personal data collected.

2. How is personal data collected?

2.1 Personal data collection methods

In accordance with Article 5 of European Regulation 2016/679, personal data will be :

. Processed lawfully, fairly and transparently in relation to the data subject;

– Collected for specific purposes and processed in a manner consistent with those purposes;

– Adequate, relevant and limited to what is necessary for the purposes for which they are processed;

– Accurate and, if necessary, kept up to date;

– Kept in a form that allows identification of the persons concerned for the period specified and in accordance with the purposes defined;

– Processed in such a way as to guarantee appropriate security using technical or organizational measures.

Personal data concerning you may be collected :

(list methods of collection)

  • Via the online contact form on our website ;
  • During a phone call ;
  • To request information, send an e-mail directly to

  • When using/consulting our Site via your browser’s cookies ;
  • Via our Google My Business page;
  • Via META social networks (Instagram and Facebook).

2.2 Communication and acceptance of this privacy policy

The User must read the present policy, which can be accessed directly on the site
www under the heading “Privacy policy and cookie management”.

  • When requesting contact via the online contact form on our Site, the User must first tick the box
    “I acknowledge that I have read the privacy policy and declare that I accept it unreservedly”.
    in order to validate the sending of the form.
  • When requesting an appointment or an order by telephone or email, this privacy policy will be integrated into the general sales conditions, which will be attached to the contractual document confirming the appointment and/or to the order form/quotation on a durable medium such as PDF. The Customer must indicate unreserved acceptance of this policy by ticking a box.

3. What personal data is collected?

When you contact us or use our Site, we may collect and process the following personal data
(list the data collected)

First and last name

– E-mail address

– Postal address

– Phone number

– Or any other special request you may have…)

This data is collected in order to be able to communicate with the user/customer; inform him/her about the services and products offered; draw up a quotation/order form; carry out the contractual service and provide customer service.

4. For what purposes are personal data collected?

We process personal data only to the extent necessary to provide a functional website. The processing of personal data takes place with the consent of users (with the exception of cases where the processing of data is authorized by law).

Any information we collect from Users/Customers is used primarily for the following purposes:

(List the different purposes)

  • Respond to your requests for information about our products and services;

  • Drawing up a purchase order/quotation ;

  • Carry out the sale and/or provision of services;

  • Making deliveries ;

  • Customer service;

  • With your prior consent, collect your opinion on our products and services by means of a satisfaction email/sms that may be sent directly to you and published on our site.

The personal data collected when accessing and using our Site is subject to computer processing under the responsibility of
Marie Ange Mory, Artist, Author

as Site Editor and Data Controller.

5. What are the legal grounds for collecting personal data?

The collection and processing of personal data is based on various legal justifications:

  • The execution of the contract or the intention to conclude a contract for the purchase of our products: for example, your e-mail or postal address will enable us to send you the order form/quotation and to deliver the products.
  • Consent: for example, your consent will be mandatory for cookie management. The consent given may be withdrawn at any time by simple request sent by email to

  • Legal obligations: the processing of your personal data will be carried out in particular to comply with the legal, accounting and tax requirements to which Marie Ange Mory, Artiste , Auteur is subject.

  • The data controller’s legitimate interest in ensuring the security of the network, information and website.

6. Who is your personal data intended for?

The personal data collected is intended exclusively for our Company and for certain service providers duly authorized to process this data within the limits of their respective responsibilities :

– EXAMPLE La Poste or Convelio / transport service provider for product delivery

In any event, your personal data will never be sold, shared, communicated or transferred in any form whatsoever to an unidentified third party for its own uses, particularly commercial or marketing, without your express consent.

Website hosting platforms, e-mail services and the various social networks have their own privacy policies, which we have no control over. The User is invited to consult them.

Marie Ange Mory, Artiste Auteur recommends that you avoid providing personal data via our Google My Business page and via our INSTAGRAM or FACEBOOK page.

7. Where are the data collected hosted?

The data collected via our Site is not transferred outside the European Union or outside countries recognized by the European Commission as having an adequate level of protection.

8. How long do you keep your personal data?

Your personal data will always be kept for the time strictly necessary to achieve the purpose for which it was collected.

Marie Ange Mory, Artist Author

will process your data for the time necessary to ensure the performance of the service, the sale and delivery of the products ordered and to provide customer service with the guarantees relating to the products purchased, as well as any possible returns or complaints.

Personal data may be subject to intermediate archiving so that they can be accessed by the user.
Marie Ange Mory, Artiste Auteur
is able to meet its legal, tax and accounting obligations (for example, the obligation to keep invoices for a period of 10 years).

9. Hypertext links

The Site may contain hypertext links (i.e. a text or image that allows access to the content of another website).

The User acknowledges being informed that by clicking on these links, he/she will leave the site.

It should be noted that the Site Editor has no control over third-party web pages to which hypertext links are redirected. Consequently, the Publisher shall in no way be held responsible for the content and activities of these web pages or for the use of cookies made on these third-party web sites or applications.

10. Cookie management policy

We use cookies to optimize the use and navigation of our site

  • Cookies are small text files that are stored on your terminal when you visit a website. They do not allow the User to be identified, but record information relating to the browsing of a computer on a website.

These cookies are returned to us each time you visit our website. This allows us, for example, to offer you a personalized service, or to make it easier for you to navigate our website. The cookies we use do not contain any personal data but only an anonymous identification number and information relating to the navigation of the computer concerned on our website.

These are mainly session cookies, enabling authentication and connection to our website by a User, as well as the memorization of navigation elements during a session. These cookies are essential for user navigation and site accessibility. The use of these cookies does not require your consent.

  • The essential cookies are the following:

Copy/paste the table of cookies used by your website host

  • Third-party cookies :

This site also uses third-party cookies to analyze and understand your use of our website.

The activation of these third-party cookies requires your consent, as they are not strictly necessary for the operation of the Site, but help to improve browsing performance.

During your visit to our Site, you will have the opportunity to accept or refuse the use of third-party cookies for which your prior consent is required.

Where your consent is required, we will not place a cookie on your terminal until you have given your express consent.

If you do not want cookies to be installed or read on your terminal, a refusal cookie will be stored on it so that we can keep track of your refusal. If you delete this cookie, we will no longer be able to know that you have refused the use of cookies. Similarly, when you accept cookies, a consent cookie is installed. Consent or refusal cookies must remain on your terminal.

Cookies cannot be used to run programs or transfer viruses to a computer. The information contained in these cookies can only be read or modified by the sender.

Managing cookies and your choices

Most browsers allow you, if you wish, to accept all cookies, systematically reject cookies or choose which cookies you accept according to their publisher. You can also regularly delete cookies from your terminal via your browser. Please note that some functions on our website may not function as intended if you disable/delete cookies.

Each browser’s configuration is different. It is described in your browser’s help menu, which will tell you how to modify your cookie preferences:

For Internet Explorer:

For Firefox:

For Safari:

For Google Chrome:

For Opera™:

For further information:

About our Google My Business page:

If the user/visitor wishes to contact us via our Google My Business page, it is important that they are fully informed:

– That he/she uses the Google site and the various functions offered under his/her sole responsibility (messaging, telephone, comments/notices, sharing…)

– That Google collects your IP address and other information on your terminal in the form of cookies.

This information is used to provide us with statistical information about the use of our Google page.

The data collected on the User is processed by Google and may be transferred to countries outside the European Union.

The User/visitor should read Google’s privacy policy for more detailed information.

11. What rights do you have over your data?

In accordance with the French Data Protection Act of January 6, 1978, as amended, and the General Regulation on the Protection of Personal Data of April 27, 2016 (“RGPD”), you have the following rights:

  • The right to withdraw your consent at any time: Users have the right to withdraw their consent if they have already given their consent to the processing of their personal data.
  • The right to object to the processing of your data: The User has the right to object to the processing of his/her data for legitimate reasons, if the purpose of the processing is different from that to which he/she had consented.
  • The right to access your data: The User has the right to know whether his/her data is being processed by the Site Editor, to obtain information on certain aspects of the processing and to obtain a copy of the data being processed.
  • The right to verify and obtain rectification: The User has the right to verify the accuracy of his or her data and to request that it be updated or corrected within a reasonable period of time.
  • The right to limit the processing of your data: The User has the right, under certain conditions, to limit the processing of his/her data. In this case, the data will be kept but will no longer be processed except with the express consent of the User, or for the establishment, exercise or defense of legal claims.
  • The right to have your personal data deleted or erased: The User has the right, under certain conditions, to obtain the deletion of his or her data.
  • The right to retrieve your data and transfer them to another controller: The User has the right to recover their data in a durable medium with a view to passing it on to another data controller (provided that the data is processed by automated means and that the processing is based on the User’s consent, on a contract to which the User/Customer is a party or on pre-contractual obligations).
  • The right to lodge a complaint with the CNIL: If you have any difficulty concerning the processing of your personal data by us, you can contact us. If you feel that your rights have not been respected, you can lodge a complaint with the CNIL.

12. How can you exercise your rights regarding your personal data?

If the User has a question about this policy or wishes to exercise his rights regarding the processing of his personal data, he should address his request to
Marie Ange Mory, Artist Author :

Or by e-mail:

Or by post to the address : Marie Ange Mory, La Tour des Floralie, Avenue Artistide Briand, 13620 Carry-le-Rouet

13. How do I file a complaint with the CNIL?

After contacting our services, if you wish to file a complaint with the CNIL, you can send a letter to the following address:

CNIL – Service des plaintes – 3 place de Fontenoy – TSA 80715 – 75334 PARIS CEDEX 07

14. Future changes to this privacy policy

This Privacy Policy is subject to change. Each new version will be updated directly on the site and will be accessible under the heading “Privacy policy and cookie management”. Each time the User visits the website, he/she should read the updated privacy policy.