1. Encounter and exchange: Le Prélude

Your journey into the bespoke world of Sindu begins with an encounter. An authentic, warm exchange where we take the time to get to know you, to understand your desires and expectations, to reveal your most hidden dreams that will inspire the work to come. It’s a precious moment of sharing, the first step towards your unique creation.

2. Choice of materials and dimensions : The Harmony of Elements

At this stage, we guide you in the choice of materials best suited to your desires and the essence of the work envisaged. Whether it’s the timeless softness of silk for a scarf or canvas for a painting, each material has its own voice, and it’s this voice that will dictate the dimensions of the work.

3. Budget proposal: The Accord

Now that we have a clear understanding of your vision, we’ll provide you with a detailed quote that takes into account your choice of materials, dimensions and the time required to create your unique work of art.

4. Exploring ideas and inspiration : The Dance of the Muses

Once the framework is defined, we embark on a ballet of ideas and inspirations, a passionate dance with the muses of creativity. We sail together on the waves of the imagination, in search of those flashes of inspiration that will give life to your customized work.

5. Preliminary sketches and proposals: The Dream Sketch

Once we’ve captured your inspiration, we start sketching the contours of your dream. We present you with a series of proposals and preliminary sketches, drawings that give a first form to your vision, a foretaste of the work to come.

6. Creation of the work : The Birth of Art

Finally, the long-awaited stage: the creation of the work. With unmatched passion and dedication, we bring your vision to life, with every brushstroke, every detail, every color choice guided by the inspiration we’ve shared. Once completed, your Sindu custom-made piece is a true expression of your personality, a piece of art that speaks about you, for you.

This is the journey of Sindu’s tailor-made creations. A journey of exploration, sharing, creativity and, ultimately, the realization of a dream transformed into a timeless work of art. A journey that we hope will be as rich and rewarding for you as it is for us.